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Ten Job Search Things to Avoid Doing in a Recession – Tip 3

1. Be unclear about what you want

Tell people that you are open to anything and that you’ll consider all opportunities. That way, no one will know what you are good at doing or what you want and they won’t be able to help you.

2. Skills and traits

Describe your skills without being specific, such as saying you have good “people skills” or “communication skills.” That way, they won’t know what that means. Describe your traits, such as “hard-working” or “results-oriented,” which is only your judgment.

3. Don’t learn about the employer

When the interviewer asks what you know about the employer, tell them you haven’t had time to do any research. After all, you just want a job.

4. It’s all about you

When asked the question “Why should we hire you?” focus on how you can expand your experience, enhance your skills, and progress your career. Don’t talk about what you can do for them.

5. Your resume is a bio

Your resume is more of a bio listing your work experience, courses you attended, education and training, hobbies and outside personal interests or achievements. That way, an employer will know that you are open to anything that fits your lifestyle.

6. Talk about the past

Tell people where you worked and what you did, not about what you want. Make sure they understand what a raw deal you got when your employer let you go and how badly they ran their business. Mention that you leaving probably was a blessing in disguise.

7. Networking is work

Network as if you are building a database for your business. Gather as many business cards as possible and move on quickly without establishing a relationship with others.

8. Focus on you

When you’re talking to others, think about the message you want to communicate and, when they’re talking, think about the next thing you want to say to them. When you’ve finished, show your distraction by looking around the room for someone else.

9. Don’t get involved

Don’t get involved with the problems of others or in other organizations. See your time in transition as something you need to get through as quickly as possible. You think you can be more effective on your own. Avoid exercising as it will only tire you.

10. Don’t plan your time

Take each day as it comes and do what you feel like doing each day. Send out your resume to recruiters and employers and wait for the phone to ring with offers. If you have to interact with others, talk about anything but your job search.